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Loyola Marymount University

Cross-functional Collaboration

Working with Mar Vista Family Center, LMU’s Design Entrepreneurship class was tasked with improving how the various spaces within the center could be best utilized for their programming. Super by Design, was brought in to support collaboration among cross-functional teams made up of students from various majors.

The Challenge

The class only had two hours to distill their individual research and leverage their diverse skillsets to decide on a solution and create actionable next steps for creating a prototype. Another key goal for the professor was to ensure that every student had equitable opportunities to share ideas and influence the team’s final decisions.

Our Solution

Super by Design worked with Professor David Russell to design a process that removed unnecessary conversations to help students quickly prioritize the most significant challenge, align on the most promising concepts. The process also helped reduce bias to allow students to equitably incorporate their research and co-create their final solutions.


At the end of the class, every team had aligned on a solution and defined actionable steps for each team member to take to prototype and present their solution to the Mar Vista Family center (their “client”).

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